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Tuba Mouthpieces

Parker-Titan Tuba Mouthpiece


Parker-Titan Tuba Mouthpiece


Bore Size 0.295 (in)
Bore Size 7.493 (mm)
Cup Depth - Medium Deep

The Parker-Titan has a medium cup and is targeted for the orchestral bass tuba as well as solo and chamber playing. This mouthpiece also works well with smaller contrabass tubas and is especially geared for Eb/F tubas that need the strength and clarity to support a large orchestra. This could be the choice mouthpiece for a quintet player playing on any keyed tuba or will serve well for larger Eb/F playing. The Titan offers a lot of practical appeal to the orchestral player. Intonation and fundamentals are well-centered on the Titan. The flexibility of the Titan makes it a great mouthpiece for works like Petrushka and Mahler's First Symphony.

Gold Rim:
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